M1 Master Somethin.AR


  • Ruslan Novikov
  • Juri Wiechmann
  • Julia Zamaitat
  • Robin Jaspers
  • Diro Baloska


David Strippgen, Robert Meyer, Fabian Quosdorf


Even though we’ve spent a lot of time working with extended reality, we sometimes find ourselves questioning the precise terms used in this field. So, we thought it couldn’t be different for you and decided to create a brief guide to some of the most frequently used terms in the world of XR:

Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual Reality is a fully immersive digital environment where the user is completely surrounded by a computer-generated world. Using VR headsets and sometimes hand controllers, users can interact with this virtual space as if they were physically present.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality overlays digital information on the real world. Unlike VR, AR does not create a fully immersive virtual world. Instead, it adds to the user’s real-world view, often through smartphones, tablets, or AR glasses, by displaying images, text, or other digital elements.

Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality blends elements of both AR and VR, where real and virtual worlds interact. MR technology anchors virtual objects to the real world, allowing for more complex interactions between physical and digital objects and environments. MR typically requires more advanced hardware like AR glasses with additional sensors to understand and interact with the physical environment.

Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality is an umbrella term that includes Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. This broad category covers all types of environments and interactions where the real and virtual worlds converge, created through computer technology and wearable devices. XR represents the entire range of immersive technology experiences.