B4 Bachelor HypnoBuddy


  • Pia Dünow
  • Justin Gebert
  • Sina Han
  • Marwa Hariz
  • Mai Le Phuong
  • Nataliia Remezova


Andreas Lehner

Dos And Don'ts Guide

Introducing our Dos and Don’ts Guide: a specialized feature designed exclusively for parents in the Hypno Buddy app. This guide, created by therapists and linked directly to the patient, offers practical tips for daily life, categorizing advice to address common challenges. Unlike resources for children, parents access personalized recommendations, ensuring relevance to their unique situation. The feature, derived from therapist interviews, reflects a concise suggestion to enhance the overall effectiveness of the therapeutic process. It provides concise, targeted insights for parents, contributing to the success and continuity of their child’s therapeutic journey.

Dos And Don'ts Feature
Patient View of Dos And Don'ts
Dos And Don'ts Feature
Overview over Dos And Don'ts Categories (Therapist's View)


Our Roadmap feature is a dynamic tool that seamlessly merges patient autonomy with therapist support. On their Roadmap, patients can set daily life goals—whether integrated into therapy sessions or pursued individually. Therapists leverage these insights to gauge therapy effectiveness and observe real-life progress. The comment feature encourages ongoing communication, enabling therapists to offer guidance and motivation. Actively engaging, patients share thoughts, creating a dynamic dialogue beyond formal therapy sessions. Through this interactive tool, our goal is to motivate patients, aiding them in recognizing and celebrating their successes. In doing so, it enhances patient awareness and fosters a deeper appreciation for their progress on the therapeutic journey.

Journal and Mood Tracking

Our Journaling and Mood Tracking feature in Hypno Buddy is a personalized tool to enhance self-reflection and positive focus. This feature allows users to track their emotions through a simple yet effective journal, emphasizing positive aspects of their day. With an uncomplicated text field, users can easily document their thoughts, aided by sample questions for inspiration. Emoji-buttons provide a quick and expressive way to capture daily moods. Entries are saved chronologically, fostering reflection by allowing users to revisit and visualize their progress. This feature serves as a valuable resource for users to not only track their feelings but also celebrate achievements, creating a dynamic and empowering aspect of their therapeutic journey.

Journaling Feature
Moodtracking Feature
Journaling Feature