M2 Master Ecospire Alternative food sources for our future


  • Gerrit Behrens
  • Diro Baloska
  • Yosua Sentosa
  • Hasan Alkurdi


Prof. Dr. Carsten Busch


You can manipulate the light-conditions, the temperature, the pH-value and the salinity of the water the algae should grow in. Keep an eye on the status of your plant with your score and the indicator on the floating monitor within all stages. If you want to learn more about the parts needed to do this kind of research, you can click on the small icons with an “i”. Those will open small boxes with text that will let you know more. When you are already an expert on doing research stage one you can go back to the menu and choose another stage by clicking the left or right arrow within the interface. This will navigate you thought all stages needed to do research on algae. If you decided what to see next, simply click on the title between the two arrows and your next level starts immediately.

To test the game, visit us on IMI-Showtime on: 02, August 2024 at WH H001 (12am to 3pm).

Screenshot phase 1