M5 Master mov.io


  • Brandon Mandzik
  • Mohamed Amine Sallami
  • Reynaldo Domenico
  • Yosua Sentosa


D. Koschnick


In the wake of the post-pandemic shift to remote work, the need for genuine social connections in professional settings has become more critical than ever. Enter mov.io, a revolutionary solution designed to tackle the growing issue of desocialization among remote workers. As the modern workforce adapts to remote environments, mov.io steps in to bridge the gap by offering a virtual office platform that prioritizes personal interactions alongside professional tasks.

Our Goal

In response to the post-pandemic shift to remote work, mov.io tackles a critical challenge – the growing isolation and desocialization experienced by employees and freelancers. Traditional communication tools, primarily focused on professional tasks, have left a void in personal connections, leading to demotivation and misunderstandings in the virtual workspace.

mov.io aims to improve personal interconnection in the virtual workspace. By visualizing interactions, reactions, and providing accessible communication features, mov.io transcends the limitations of existing tools. The objective is not just to enhance productivity but to create a virtual office environment that prioritizes personal connections. mov.io seeks to empower remote workers, making work not only about completing tasks but also about building fulfilling and meaningful connections that transform the remote work experience.

The team

Driving mov.io’s development is a team of highly motivated master’s IMI- students, each specializing in a key aspect of the platform:

The Frontend Development team ensures a seamless and user-friendly interface, enhancing the visual and interactive aspects of mov.io. On the backend, another team focuses on implementing robust server-side functionalities to support the platform’s core features.

A Team working with Phaser integration brings dynamic and engaging elements to mov.io, creating an immersive virtual office experience. Simultaneously, the Web-RTC team focuses on real-time communication features, ensuring smooth and reliable interactions within the mov.io virtual workspace.

This collaborative effort ensures that mov.io, from its frontend aesthetics to backend functionality and interactive elements, is meticulously crafted by a highly motivated and dedicated team of master’s students.