M5 Master mov.io


  • Brandon Mandzik
  • Mohamed Amine Sallami
  • Reynaldo Domenico
  • Yosua Sentosa


D. Koschnick


At the start of our development journey, we devoted a significant amount of time to in-depth research. Our goal? To get inside the user’s world, to understand the challenges they face on a daily basis, whether in a traditional office or in the rapidly evolving landscape of remote working. We dug deep to uncover the pros and cons and shed light on the finer details of their working environment.

This in-depth exploration wasn’t just about understanding workflows; it was about getting to the heart of communication. We recognised a common challenge - the lack of real connection experienced in online interactions. This realization fueled our determination to build features into mov.io that went beyond mere functionality. We wanted to bridge the gap in online communication and ensure that users felt the presence and essence of their colleagues, even in the virtual realm.

As a result, the research phase became the compass that steered mov.io towards not just solving problems, but creating an experience that eliminates the sense of detachment often associated with online communication.


During this phase, we carefully identified the essential Jobs to be Done (JTBD), gaining a deep understanding of the core tasks that mov.io had to fulfil. Complementing this, the formulation of “How Might We” (HMW) questions stimulated innovative thinking and provided a creative lens through which we approached challenges.

To humanise our development process, we created detailed user personas, envisioning the characteristics, needs and goals of our target users. This step ensured that mov.io would resonate authentically with real people facing real scenarios.

In addition, the identification of Minimum Viable Products (MVPs) was critical in strategically outlining the essential features for an initial release. This approach allowed for a focused and effective launch, with room for iterative improvements.

The concept phase therefore acted as a strategic blueprint, providing a comprehensive understanding of mov.io’s objectives and the user demographic it was intended to serve. This groundwork set the stage for a streamlined and focused implementation process, ensuring that every development decision was rooted in a well-defined conceptual framework.


Beginning the practical journey of turning ideas into reality, the implementation phase marked a crucial chapter in the creation of mov.io. We began this phase by setting up a stable Git repository, creating a collaborative and version controlled environment that ensured smooth coordination between team members throughout the project lifecycle.

With Vue.js at its core, we launched the Vue project, laying the groundwork for a user-friendly interface and integrating the interactive elements essential to shaping the overall user experience. To streamline our development workflow, we chose PNPM to improve the efficiency and organisation of project dependency management.

Recognising the key role of a well-configured database, we carefully structured it to handle the complexity of the data critical to mov.io’s functionality. At the same time, we seamlessly integrated Phaser components to add dynamic and engaging elements that enhance the virtual office experience.

In tandem with these efforts, we focused on creating a seamless connection between the front-end, server, back-end and Phaser components. This strategic move was designed to ensure a responsive and cohesive user experience, creating a cohesive application.

At the end of this phase, a comprehensive application structure emerged with distinct front-end, server and phaser components. This concrete result represented the collaborative efforts of our team and set the stage for ongoing refinements and feature enhancements as mov.io continues to evolve.