M4 Master Aquasolace Gaming for Future: A video game about water scarcity in Brandenburg


  • Eliot Hoff
  • Kenneth Englisch
  • Cong Nguyen-Dinh
  • Adib Ghassani Waluya


David Müller

Initial Meetings

Discussed the project with the product owners to identify the core problem related to water scarcity in Brandenburg. Received relevant documents from Rebecca for further understanding.

Communication and Iteration

We engaged in back-and-forth communication with product owners to refine the project details every week.

Flow Charts

Developed flow charts to map out the game. Then we created initial prototypes and designs using Figma to visualize the project.


We programmed mostly in Unity. Every week we had discussions with the product owners and regular meetings with each other to discuss goals for the upcoming week. We pushed our code to Gitlab. Where we worked on different branches.

Issue Assignment

Each team member selected a specific issue to work on based on their skills or preferences.


We regularly tested the game with both product owners to gather feedback and used this feedback to make necessary adjustments and improvements. In January, we conducted testing sessions with real users from NABU.