M3 Master LEP


  • Nikol Stefanova
  • Kim Ngan Le Dang
  • Hikari Sophia Stölzle


Prof.Dr. Gefei Zhang

App Development

Java & Spring Boot

The backbone of our back-end, chosen for its powerful suite of features that simplify the development of stand-alone applications with minimal configuration.


Our NoSQL database of choice, allowing for flexible data schema and efficient, scalable storage of application data.


Integrated as the core engine for intelligent and automated scheduling, ensuring optimal allocation of resources and efficient timetabling.

ReactJS & TypeScript

Our core frontend framework, enabling us to build a dynamic, interactive user interface with type-checking for a reliable and scalable application.


Implemented for a uniform look across the web app, ensuring a good user experience with pre-built design patterns and components.

CSS Modules

Employed to locally scope CSS by automatically creating a unique class name for each style, ensuring that our styles are consistent and do not conflict with those in other parts of the application.



Utilized for testing and interacting with APIs during development, ensuring that our endpoints are well-tested, robust, and ready for integration.


Used for API documentation, providing a clear, interactive interface for back-end services, simplifying development and integration efforts.

Application workflow
Application Workflow