M3 Master LEP


  • Nikol Stefanova
  • Kim Ngan Le Dang
  • Hikari Sophia Stölzle


Prof.Dr. Gefei Zhang


In the project’s initial phase, we conducted thorough research to establish a robust foundation for our web application. This involved exploring diverse technology stacks, evaluating programming languages, databases, and frameworks. We studied similar applications for inspiration and best practices. The implementation of timetable and schedule-solving algorithms was a key focus, with a careful assessment of existing solutions. We directly engaged with the planning team, gaining insights into manual planning methods and specific requirements. Familiarity with provided data, including subjects and teacher preferences, guided our application design. The planning process included identifying constraints for the solver, from basic scheduling rules to department-specific requirements. This comprehensive research laid the groundwork for effective planning, development, and the successful implementation of our web application.

Research Board
Library Research board

Brainstorming & Prototyping:

In the second phase, our team engaged in creative brainstorming and prototyping to mold the structure and design of the project. We utilized FigJam as a proficient platform for collaborative brainstorming sessions, where we delved into discussions regarding the optimal structure of the database. Our focus was on defining entities and outlining the overall architecture of the database. Transitioning to Figma, our team dedicated efforts to prototyping, with a specific emphasis on the front-end (FE) design. This phase involved meticulously defining the user interface and experience. Our goal was to ensure a user-friendly and visually appealing design that seamlessly aligned with the project’s objectives.

Figma Prototype
Figma Prototype

Development & Testing:

The concluding phase revolved around the actual development and testing of the application. We adopted an Agile SCRUM methodology, fostering efficient collaboration within the development team and ensuring a streamlined workflow. The use of GitHub Project as a project management tool played a crucial role in facilitating effective issue tracking and resolution. In this phase, the application was implemented following a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) approach, encompassing both the front-end (FE) and back-end (BE) components. To ensure the robustness of the application, comprehensive unit tests were conducted, with a particular focus on constraints identified during the initial research. User testing was a collaborative effort with the coordinators to gather feedback on usability. Simultaneously, manual testing was performed by the team to identify and fix any unforeseen issues, thereby guaranteeing a polished and reliable final product.