B7 Bachelor Vision.IO


  • Christian Wolter
  • Yasmine Haidri
  • Jonas Mantay
  • Timo Boomgaarden


Alexander Kramer


Our project is very open and creates a basis for extended reality. You can consider incorporating new interactions, such as switches or touch panels, or changing the platform and running the project on a tablet or VR glasses. New use cases can also be devised and tested. This project could be used very well in industry for maintenance work on machines and establish communication from the machine to the goggles. Further applications could be in a learning environment, where content could not only be shown, but things could be changed haptically, and you could directly see the impact. Be it in schools to present practical laboratory experiments that would otherwise not be possible in the classroom, or in medical training to practice surgical techniques. This project creates the platform for all this and much more.