B4 Bachelor HypnoBuddy


  • Pia Dünow
  • Justin Gebert
  • Sina Han
  • Marwa Hariz
  • Mai Le Phuong
  • Nataliia Remezova


Andreas Lehner

Preparation: Setting the Foundation

Before diving into the technicalities, our team initiated the project by agreeing on a concrete problem within the realm of therapy that we aimed to solve. We defined major responsibilities, sharing our preferences and experiences to foster effective collaboration. Establishing a solid groundwork, we set basic rules and guidelines for teamwork, using tools like Git to streamline our development process. Weekly meetings were scheduled to keep everyone on the same page, and we built an infrastructure using GitHub, Discord, Miro, Google Docs, WhatsApp, and Zoom for seamless communication.

Research: Deepening Insights

To develop a comprehensive understanding of hypnosis therapy, our team delved into extensive research. We reached out to hypnosis therapists, engaging in insightful interviews with potential users to gather valuable feedback. Constant communication with therapists allowed us to evaluate our findings and refine our direction, ensuring our solution aligned with their needs.

Conception: Shaping the Vision

Agreeing on the app’s structure and initial features, we built a common understanding and vision for our project. The selection of the MERN tech stack (MongoDB, Express.JS, React, Node.js + Typescript) and additional tools such as Bootstrap, SASS, Docker, and Figma laid the foundation for our development. Crafting features and user stories, we meticulously structured our backlog, using Miro to visualize data structures and model connections. This phase provided the blueprint for the upcoming development process.

Development: Bringing Ideas to Life

Adopting a SCRUM-like workflow with one-week sprints, our team held weekly meetings to synchronize progress and address challenges. We began by constructing the basic application structure and implementing a user management concept. Choosing the most critical features, we formed development groups, working towards delivering the first version before the holiday season. Alongside the implementation, we emphasized writing unit tests for both backend and frontend components, ensuring the reliability and stability of our application. As the first version came together, we conducted retrospectives, identifying areas for improvement and planning for additional features.