B4 Bachelor HypnoBuddy


  • Pia Dünow
  • Justin Gebert
  • Sina Han
  • Marwa Hariz
  • Mai Le Phuong
  • Nataliia Remezova


Andreas Lehner


  • User Management: Balancing Complexity and Simplicity

The intricacies of managing users across three categories—therapists, patients, and parents—demanded a delicate balance. Based on therapists’ recommendations, we opted to allow patients and parents to share the same account, simplifying the user experience. However, creating a secure yet straightforward connection between therapists and patients posed a unique challenge. To streamline this, we implemented connection codes, enabling therapists to effortlessly initiate and secure connections with their patients during the first therapy session.

  • Feature Implementation: A Dual Perspective

Developing features from both therapists’ and patients’ perspectives presented a dual challenge. Meeting the requirements of these distinct user groups required careful consideration and collaboration. As we collected a myriad of feature ideas from interviews, deciding on the most crucial features, prioritizing them, and ensuring their feasibility became a complex yet pivotal task. Balancing these perspectives allowed us to create a holistic solution that addressed the diverse needs of both therapists and patients.

  • Designing a Mental Health Concept: Sensitivity and Empathy

Crafting an appropriate mental health concept demanded a heightened level of sensitivity. Mental health is a profoundly personal and delicate topic, necessitating a design approach infused with care and empathy. Our process involved multiple refinement cycles, incorporating expert views from psychology professionals and in-depth research. We strived to ensure that our design not only met functional requirements but also created a positive emotional association for users, fostering a sense of comfort and trust.

  • Backend-Frontend Independence: Harmonizing the Symphony

Developing the backend and frontend independently brought its own set of challenges. Ensuring seamless communication between these components required meticulous planning and agreement on common interfaces. The team worked collaboratively to align the frontend and backend effectively, overcoming the complexities associated with parallel development. This synchronization was vital to achieving a cohesive and efficient final product.