B1 Bachelor Peek Peek


  • Alexej Bormatenkow
  • Marlin Pohl
  • Leif Rehtanz
  • Tobias Bayer
  • Laura Bärtschi
  • Matthis Ehrhardt


Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Strippgen


Since our project had a lot do to with displaying data so it’s easy to understand, we first created a concept of what our application should look like in Figma. The user should be able to navigate the interface easily, without immediately being overwhelmed. To do that, we decided that the application should have a simple login interface and once logged in, the user should be presented with only the necessary options first, navigating deeper into the interface as needed.

Using this logic, we also decided on which team member would code what part of the interface and also which components were needed for the rest of the team to start working on their parts. We devided the team into sub-groups to work on different components and also had specialists for frontend and backend.

The backend was developed prior to and alongside the frontend. We needed some backend functionality and initial reading data from the database to build the frontend on top of this functionality.

While that initial backend development was happening, frontend members started reading into React and components, so they could start working immediately once the backend functionality was implemented.

Then, everyone began working on their part and the team came together to update each other, suggest improvements or merge branches. During the process we always adapted our concept little by little - adding or removing certain features - and there was a lot of work involved in finding the right approach to display our charts correctly while giving the user maximum freedom in selecting or deselecting values.