M7 Master Valit


  • Darwin Becker
  • Hedi Talmoudi
  • Michael Hurst
  • Pauline Röhr
  • Yasine Deghaies
  • Nilofar Ahmadi
  • Henry Ordelt
  • Finja Scheltens


David Koschnick
Tech stack

Concept & Design


Miro supported us from the initial brainstorming, through the concrete requirements analysis and conception phase, to the wireframes. It allowed us to discuss and visualize ideas, as well as record decisions.


We used Figma to create our UI component library, the styleguide and final design of the user interface.



To build the web user interface, we felt that Vue.js was suited for our needs: A progressive JavaScript framework that provides incrementally adaptable architecture with the focus on declarative rendering and component composition.


We used Quasar CLI, which is an open-source Vue.js based framework, that allowed us to create the responsive web app in a more efficient way, with easy project structuring as well as premade and customizable components.


We utilized Typescript in our website development to enhance code stability and maintainability. As a statically typed language, Typescript extends JavaScript with the addition of features such as classes, interfaces, and strong typing, promoting cleaner and more understandable code. By incorporating Typescript, we were able to identify errors earlier in the development process, resulting in a higher code quality.


We utilized Pinia in our website to manage state in a performant and easy to understand manner, allowing for a better user experience.


To facilitate language localization and provide a seamless experience for users and lectures of different linguistic backgrounds, we integrated i18n into our website.


We chose Apex Chart to build our graphs because of its ability to create visually appealing, responsive and interactive charts for our web application.



We employed Postman to streamline our API development and testing processes, allowing us to efficiently validate and debug our back-end systems.


Postgres allowed us to store and manage data for the website, such as user information, content, and any other relevant data. PostgreSQL is a reliable and flexible database management system, making it a good choice for web development projects.

Spring Boot

Spring Boot was a prime choice for the project, as it provided a convenient way to develop and manage the back-end of the project. The framework offered a set of tools and features for creating, testing, and running the application with minimal configuration, enabling the efficient development of a standalone, production-grade Spring-based application.

Deployment & Communication


For the management of our codebase we used GitLab. We created both a repository for the backend and the frontend. The built-in kanban feature allowed us to create tickets and keep an overview of our todos at all times.


Our communication otherwise took place via discord. There we clarified open questions, planned upcoming meetings and kept each other up to date.