M3 Master BEMpsy Buddy


  • Nguyen Xuan Bach Do
  • Felix Huber
  • Phillip Kiele
  • Mai Quynh Nguyen
  • Hasan Sivrikaya


Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Strippgen

πŸ‘₯ Support Groups

For greater support and help, support groups should be integrated in the application. These groups can help users to connect with a number of like-minded users which will make it easier to deal with complicated topics and share similar experiences. Additionally, users who are not BEM entitled or buddies can join these support groups anytime.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Map

A map shall help users to find buddies near their locations. This may help to connect users even more or share regional problems.

πŸ“Ή Videos

To reach out more people in need videos may operate as a useful medium to transfer personal and trusting messages. Users who already went through the BEM process can help others by talking about their experiences in a video and therefore motivate them. Furthermore, videos may help anxious users to introduce them slowly into the BEMpsy community without them needing to contact other people first.

πŸ”’ Data Security

The web application holds onto many sensitive personal data as well as engages with perceptive topics about mental health. Due to that, securing data is a major priority which can always be enhanced. The application should check for risks and ensure strict data integrity at all times.