M6 Master Haptic Globe: Data at your Fingertips


  • Ralf Strecker
  • Katrina Rizakova
  • Marino Gabel
  • Arnold Holler


Alexander Kramer, Jonas Erhardt
tech stack



  • HTC Vive
    One of our members had a Vive
    We additionally used Vive trackers for our globe controller in the beginning.
  • Oculus Quest
    We used three Quests in the team
  • Oculus Rift S
    One of our members had a Rift S.
  • UIltraleap Leap Motion
    We had access to two leap motions for hand tracking.
  • Ultraleap Stereo IR 170
    Later we also used this for higher quality hand tracking


  • Plastic Sphere
    A 16 mm plexiglass sphere was bought from a crafts store to have a vessel for our tracking solution.
  • 3D printer
    We 3d printed the bracket to hold a controller in the sphere.


  • World Bank Data
    This was an ideal API to test the visualization of demographic and economic data with global coverage
  • Rest Countries
    This was the first API we connected to our globe. It delivers basic information about a country like population or land area
  • OpenSky Network
    We used this API to collect information about live flight data as well as airport connections


  • Discord
    Between the team members we used Discord for its easy accessibility and usability.
  • Mattermost
    The online communication with our supervisors

Version Control

  • FKI Gitlab
    We used the internal version control system of “Forschungsgruppe Informations- und Kommunikationsanwendungen".
  • HTW Gitlab
    To upload our project we used the HTW Gitlab.


  • Mural
    For brainstorming, writing down ideas and planning workflows we used Mural
  • Google Docs
    For research, presentations and internal documentations we used Google Docs.