NativeScript is an open-souce framework to access native APIs in JavaScript. With the help of Android Studio and XCode it allows for building truly native applications with a JavaScript frontend framework, in this case Vue.js. During the development emulators have been used to preview the app.
TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript and therefore makes it easier to understand and debug the code. It also transpiles to JavaScript. Combined with Vue.js it was used with the class-style syntax.
Chart.js is an open-source JavaScript library for data visualization. It was used to create a line graph inside a WebView in the LCvd application.
Django is a Python framework for developing web apps. We used it to develop the backend of LCvd.
Django Rest Framework (DRF) can be used for implementing an API. It undertakes many repetitive tasks, like serialization, and can be extended for more sophisticated behavior.
DRF’s APIClient is used for testing backend features and endpoints.
JSON Web Token (JWT) is implemented using DRF’s “Simple JWT” plugin. When logging in, users receive a “refresh token” and an “access token”. The “access token” needs to be sent in Authentication request headers to authenticate the user, if they want to access a protected API endpoint. Since the “access token” expires after ten minutes, it needs to be refreshed with the “refresh token”, which only expires after 14 days.
PostgreSQL is used as a database for LCvd’s relational data model.
For development, the backend can be run with Docker. Docker takes care of setting up containers in which to run the backend components. For that it installs all necessary requirements, runs Django migrations, creates a superuser and loads data fixtures into the database. Two containers are started with Docker Compose: one for the API and one for the database.
Nginx and Gunicorn
For production, a Debian server with Nginx as a web server and Gunicorn as an application server are being used instead of Docker.
The API is can be accessed at