M4 Master LCvd


  • Emily Gilbert
  • Fatlind Krasniqi
  • Linda Fernsel
  • Paula Osterkamp
  • Shari Eichberger


David Koschnick, Matthias Daiber

Beyond the MVP

To make patients of Long Covid feel even less alone, our app should also provide

  • a possibility for them to connect with others in the same situation to exchange experiences
  • a way to document experiences in their own words, like a blog, that they can share with others who are not affected

Inputting a vaccination certificate or PCR test result via QR code directly into the app could help to avoid errors and make the app even easier to use.

To help people be even better informed our app could integrate a newsletter on new research about Long Covid.

Finally, we also need to add information on our privacy policy.