M4 Master LCvd


  • Emily Gilbert
  • Fatlind Krasniqi
  • Linda Fernsel
  • Paula Osterkamp
  • Shari Eichberger


David Koschnick, Matthias Daiber
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“Long COVID” is an illness with a range of possible symptoms that appear after a Corona infection, either continuingly or consequentially of Corona ([Koczulla et. al., 2021], p.6f). Some of the over 20 known symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, or memory problems ([Koczulla et. al., 2021], p.59). Long COVID is diagnosed and the symptoms treated after a medical examination ([Koczulla et. al., 2021], p.9). If the patient’s medical condition worsens, their physician needs to refer them to a specialist for the concerned organ (eg. a pneumologist) ([Koczulla et. al., 2021], p.9f).

With about 80% of patients suffering from one or more symptoms even two weeks after their diagnose, Long COVID is very common ([Lopez-Leon et. al., 2021], p.6). COVID patients suffering from Long COVID can feel very distressed. For example, in ([Median Kliniken, 2022]) patients report

  • feeling misunderstood by their peers
  • being pressured by their colleagues
  • finding it hard to accept their momentary physical limitations
  • panicking because of unexpected symptoms appearing after having recovered from COVID


Our mission is to

  • reduce helplessness by enabling patients to make informed decisions about seeing a doctor
  • lower anxiety by explaining possible symptoms
  • increase confidence when facing colleagues or doctors because symptom records help patients talk about their experience.
  • encourage patients to be optimistic if the state of their health is improving
  • decrease the feeling of loneliness by showing patients that others have the same problem
  • enable data collection on Long Covid symptoms for scientific use


The LCvd team consists of five students. Four team members worked on the elaborate app front end, while one team member developed the backend with Django. No team member had prior experience in Django or NativeScript, the frameworks that we used. However, two team members had prior experience with web development and especially Vue.js. Two people had experience with iOS development.


  • Koczulla et. al., 2021 S1-Leitlinie Post-COVID/Long-COVID. Koczulla et. al.. AWMF online - Das Portal der wissenschaftlichen Medizin. 2021.
  • Median Kliniken, 2022 MEDIAN Unternehmensgruppe B.V. & Co. KG. Accessed Jan 25 2022.
  • Lopez-Leon et. al., 2021 More than 50 Long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 2021.

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