M3 Master Intelligentes Bilanzkreismanagement


  • Katharina Blass
  • Robin Decker
  • Mischa Koischwitz
  • Alain Ngoufack Nguefack
  • Nguyen Do
  • The-Anh Nguyen
  • Nhu Mong Tran


Dr. Ludwig Rauch

Where we're at?

During the last few months we were able to create a full design library with custom components that allows future designers to enter the project and quickly start designing new components. This was accomplished by keeping the entire figma document clearly and well structured. We were also able to deliver a high-fidelity prototype dashboard that already covers a full basic user flow within a framework that easily allows future developers to add more functionality without compromising for scalability or performance. We also made sure that everything that we’ve built was based on basic user research and user-centered design principles. This way we made sure that our application actually has a purpose and that it provides valuable functionality to the user.

What's next?

During the first user interview and the final test we were able to collect and capture different suggestions and ideas that could be implemented in the future to make the application even more valuable.

More graphs and external data sources

Implementing more graphs allows the user to consider even more data into the decision-making. Since our application can be seen as a first framework, adding more data (i.e. price data) is an easy way to add more value to it. Adding additional and possibly external data sources could include more detailed information about different influencing factors for the prediction and for the user’s decision like weather and market spot price.

Deeper file management

Our final user test showed that an extended version of our file management component would be a helpful feature for future usage. According to the user it should be possible to create directories containing different graph exports in order to be able to structure the files on a much deeper and complex level.

Adding a database

Since our current setup works without any persistent data storage using the browser’s local storage, implementing a database would allow to add more features that rely on persistent data. These might include:

  • Persistent user settings for graphs, filters and balancing groups accross multiple devices
  • Flexible balancing groups and metadata for those
  • Extended file management
  • Data archives

Custom calculations

The decision-making could be used to perform even more considerable calculations that help the user’s decision-making. For this purpose, adding another widget which provides different views like tables and allows to run custom calculations and functions on the contained data might be a valuable solution.