B5 Bachelor Penny Pincher


  • Christian Kaltenbach
  • Dimitar Kolev
  • Marcel Kuehnau
  • Hiep Ha Le
  • Hermes Rapce
  • Hendrik Hahn
  • Paul Siewertsen
  • Magdalena Karmashikova
  • Jannes Stahf


Tino Nitze

Tech Stack Com


Discord was our main way of communicating with each other, asking questions and it served as our remote working space. We used voice channels to split into teams and work on different tasks and text channels to inform each other of new pull requests and general info around the project.


We used Miro as a means of sharing our ideas, prototypes, discussing new tasks and updating our progress on the app, basically a place for us to brainstorm during our meetings.

Tech Stack Communication

Tech Stack Dev


From the beginning it was suggested by our supervisor that we work with Flutter, as it is beginner-friendly and can deploy on both Android and iOS with very little work. Unfortunately only one of us owned a Macbook and at some point Flutter stopped working there. Publishing the app on the AppStore would have also costed us money ($99/year), so we mainly worked on the android side.

Android Studio, IntelliJ or Visual Code?

Everyone chose an IDE that they were comfortable with, as they all offer integration for the Flutter SDK.


GitHub is where we stored all tasks, issues and organized them in different sections: Backlog, To Do, and Done. Most of us dug deep for the first time in Git and we had difficulties concerning commiting, merging, branches, etc. however due to our dilligence we were able to pull through and learned how to organize a git project.

Tech Stack Development