B5 Bachelor Penny Pincher


  • Christian Kaltenbach
  • Dimitar Kolev
  • Marcel Kuehnau
  • Hiep Ha Le
  • Hermes Rapce
  • Hendrik Hahn
  • Paul Siewertsen
  • Magdalena Karmashikova
  • Jannes Stahf


Tino Nitze

Welcome Screen

With our App you will find the best bargains! To not be overwhelmed with all of our bargains, you can choose your favorite starting categories on our Welcome Screen when you open the app for the first time. After that you will be sent to the Live Feed.

Live Feed

The Live Feed is the main feature of this app. Here you can choose one or more of the eleven main categories you're interested in and see "live" the newest bargains for these products. Our idea behind this page was to help people who are searching for presents and aren't sure exactly what they want. Or maybe you're just want to hunt bargains! If you do not choose any categories, then you see all products from all categories.


Are you still searching a birthay present? Then this is the right place for you! In the Categories you can choose from all the categories and subcategories that our App has to offer! This is especially helpful, when you know exactly what you're looking for. Once you find the perfect item, you can buy it or add it to Favorites!


In the Categories you can set the minimum and maximum price, as well as the minimum amount of discount for your search. You can choose different categories and subcategories and you will be able to see how many products there are for your search in the bottom right corner, where you apply your filter. And if you wish, you can also save your searches in the bottom left corner for later use.

Extended View

In the Extended View you can see some details for the product as well as add them to Favorites. When you click on "Zum Angebot" you will be sent to the idealo website. There you will see all details and sellers for this bargain.


You can save products in Favorites, if you wish to check them out later. You can open the Extended View to see more details for the product, remove products from Favorites as well as search through your Favorites in case you are looking for a specific product! Some bargains have a time limit and Favorites are going to refresh themselves automatically, so some products might disappear after a while.

Search bar

Once you have chosen a category, you can use the search bar to find items you're interested in, or search for specific keywords.. Your latest search will be saved for an easier access later on. It can be accessed from the Favorites and the Categories. The search bar in Favorites allows you to look through your saved items in case you have a lot of products there.


In the setting screen you can switch dark mode on/off and even after restarting the app, the option that you choose will be saved. You can also delete your search history from the Search bar. In about us you can see the team members of this project and in help you can find answers to some frequently asked questions!