B4 Bachelor Studyplan


  • Ben Sauerlaender
  • Leonard Valentin
  • Linh Phuong Chu
  • Irfan Ramadhan
  • Viet Anh Jimmy Tran
  • Krist Baliev
  • Leon Grahl


Prof. Dr. Barne Kleinen
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Our Goal

Since all of us have to apply for our elective courses, we found some inconvenieces related to the interface and course distribution we all could relate to.

Instead of clicking back and forth, struggling to find the right courses for yourself and losing your mind when they dont fit your time schedule at the end, we wanted to create a simple interface with all the important information at a glance. We thought there had to be a way to prevent overfilled courses, while other students dont get the courses they desire the most.

The Team

As a team, we wanted to clarify that all of us picture the same outcome of this project and wanted to give everyone the chance to suggest ideas from the first day on. With our diverse experience and specialties, we were able to inspire each other with new thoughts all the time. Not only could we gain much experience with web development, but also with how it is to deal with a product owner and working on the same project with multiple people.