B3 Bachelor Allmende


  • Anastasiia Reznichenko
  • Antonia Kaufmann
  • Jonas Osterkorn
  • Lukas Glasmacher
  • Nataliia Azarnykh
  • Salim Alkhodor
  • Sven Erdem
  • To Uyen Nguyen


David Müller


The original idea for the allmende app came from David Müller, who was the supervisor for our project. He created the app for his master thesis with the goal to inspire people for nature through social-network-structures and gamification.


After agreeing on recreating the App with React, we briefly familiarized ourselves with it. We devided us in pairs of two, to recreate the given features with react. It took us a great deal of time to rebuild the app and in the end we had to limitate the new features we wanted to implement in the first place. Maintaining our source code with Git allowed us to simultaneously implement different features on different branches. Every monday we had a meeting via zoom with our mentor, to report our progess. We discussed problems and the next steps. We checked the time plan, whether we where in due time.


The project was for many of us a first experience of building an application from start to finish. So one of our main challenges was the lack of experience in project management and planning. Looking back on the work we did, we think that what helped us the most was good and effective communication between project members and with our mentor. Moreover, we managed to have weekly meetings, which helped us to keep eye on the project and to plan the further development of features.