B3 Bachelor Allmende


  • Anastasiia Reznichenko
  • Antonia Kaufmann
  • Jonas Osterkorn
  • Lukas Glasmacher
  • Nataliia Azarnykh
  • Salim Alkhodor
  • Sven Erdem
  • To Uyen Nguyen


David Müller

Feature set


Since allmende is a social network app, a good looking profile page is a must have. That’s why we created a minimalistic profile page for the user to share information about themself, check which challenges they have accomplished and look at their personal posts. Part of every allmende profile is also one of many status icons, which have to be unlocked through challenges, to see if a user is a Tree-Hugger, a Mushroom-Head or something different.


Sightings and Challenges

A user can create entries to share their nature experience with others. A user can add a photo of insects, birds, plants, amphibians or any other organism they found to entry, add location and even record how it sounds. Each entry is displayed in the feed and can be liked and commented by others.

To motivate others to explore the environment a user can create challenges. A challenge could be for example to find 5 different types of birds. You can view your sightings and challenges in your feed.


Badges - Status

In the context of gamification, we wanted to implement a new rewarding feature, for finishing challenges. So we createt badges. There are three types of badge in every animal or plant category, there are bronze, silver and gold badges. When you earned the third (gold)Badge of a category you will get a new status in your profile view.



You are curious about the location of the communities’ sightings? You can find out the habitat of different species in your area by looking at the Allmende Map! Clicking on a sighting location will show you the sighting. It is also possible to filter the map by categories and found species!



The allmendex is a giant collection of the local flora and fauna build into the app. The idea behind allmendex was to have a clearly arranged dictionary of plants and animals with short, useful information and pictures while also creating a motivation for users to go outside and engage with their outdoor world. Since the allmendex is empty at the beginning, ambitious users quickly want to fill their allmendex and find them all.
