B6 Bachelor Cargobike Adventures


  • Dustin Reimann
  • Chung-Fan Tsai
  • Ngoc Huong Phan
  • Hasan Al Mohamad


Johannes Weyers, Patrick Zagajewski

Future features

As this app will keep being developed and improved even after the project course is completed, we do have a few ideas of what could be added to it to make it even truer as the one way stop for anything e-bike tour.

Feature 1: Create user account with tour posts & plan assistant

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Besides the site’s recommended tours, we thought that it’d enrich the site to let users create an account and add favorite routes under their profile, and also create their own route and planning similar to blog posts.

Another thing we found could be really useful for users are letting them plan a tour under their account by letting them plan each day’s progress, start, and destination, and by entering the date and location of that day, together with Weather API and Google API, showing them the essential weather information (wind gust, humidity) and bike route and height variation so that they could easily start the day and being directed to google navigation, which could be helpful for bikers who use a phone holder or listens to navigation instructions.

Feature 2: Route sharing & Socializing

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The third feature we thought that’s built on the basis of the first two features, if users can write about their tour and plan and make daily plans, we thought it’d be very exciting for them to share the plan on the site for other users to view and use it as a reference. It would also be nice for the viewers with an account to comment on that route post, follow another user, and send each other private messages to build a community of Cargobike Adventurers.