B6 Bachelor Cargobike Adventures


  • Dustin Reimann
  • Chung-Fan Tsai
  • Ngoc Huong Phan
  • Hasan Al Mohamad


Johannes Weyers, Patrick Zagajewski

Customizable UI

Having built our own customized theme, the site not only meets all the requirements from the business owner but also make it extremely easy to maintain. Through templates and adding php code to each and every UI element on the site, non-programmer admins log in then use customizer to edit image, text, style, layout, hyperlink, adjust navigation, change site info and so on. This of course prolong the frontend development process, but in the long run, it’ll save the start-up resources to modify even something as small as a punctuation, and since UI maintaining becomes as easy as it gets, business owners could easily change content up on the Live site without the users seeing any of the changes before publishing them.
An Essential Functionality

E-Commerce: Gift card Purchase & Booking System

Since we are working with a real start up company, it is important to keep in mind that the site is a platform for them to not just get digital exposure but also serve as an e-commerce site for users to rent out their inventories. We started out designing a booking system, constructing the database structure for their e-bikes and gears, including information like product names, number of units, description, price for different rental period and combination, and their availability. But working with a real world company means there are also real world events that may help marketing the site, which was why we also incorporated a gift card purchase feature on the site for the festive gift giving Christmas and New Year time. With the gift card purchase feature, users can select gift cards of different amounts, pay online, then receive the digital gift card from their designated email address. On the backend side, when a purchase is made, a new gift card is generated and stored in the database, including information like its unique serial number, amount, payment method, email, expiration date, and so on. On the other hand, business owners could also view the purchased voucher and their status, and manage them in the admin as well.