B5 Bachelor MeshHeadz


  • Lena Zellin
  • Celine Wiese
  • Daan Lockhorst
  • Robin Simeon Jaspers
  • Hikari Sophia Stölzle


Florian Gnadlinger & Josef Heitzler

Design Thinking Process

Ever since our team started working together, we have been integrating the method of Design Thinking - a non-linear, iterative process - to our project work. We went back and forth through its six stages to continuously improve our prototype.
Design Thinking Process
Design Thinking Process

First Steps

With a few ideas in mind we spent time researching to come up with potential technologies that best suit our goal and planned our next steps.

After we had a general understanding of the needs of our potential users, we defined the core problems that we identified up to the point. With this in mind we collected as many ideas as possible, evaluated them and started prioritizing.


Before we started the development, we created multiple mockups and prototypes until we were satisfied with the result and defined a design strategy suitable to accomplish our goals.
Our Prototypes
From paper to digital to final prototype


In order to build a user friendly app we performed multiple usability tests. The resulting feedback was then incorporated into the development process to constantly improve our prototypes.

Meet And Discuss

Tasks were collected on an issue board on the version control platform Gitlab. This way it was always possible to see which tasks were already in progress and which were still on the agenda.

In the weekly meetings with our supervisors, we presented our achievements and discussed issues that required clarification.