B5 Bachelor MeshHeadz


  • Lena Zellin
  • Celine Wiese
  • Daan Lockhorst
  • Robin Simeon Jaspers
  • Hikari Sophia Stölzle


Florian Gnadlinger & Josef Heitzler

Many Ideas, Little Time

As it often happens while working on a project, the more time passes, the more ideas come to mind. The same happened to us. In the end, we probably could’ve spent many additional months developing our product.

Short-term Goals

In general we think that with more time to develop, we would have become more experienced and therefore more confident in writing efficient code, what would result in our application being faster and the user experience being better.

Ideas we came up with were for example to include features that show to our users in a more transparent way what happens in our backend:

  • processing bars
  • upload/download bar

To maybe get a better 3D-model result in the end, we also figured it would be suitable to:

  • add an editing option for the taken/ imported photos to our app

Long-term Goals

To increase the performance of our app, we thought of:

  • reducing the amount of vertices in our 3D-model to reduce needed space
  • server side adjustments to reduce mesh head building time

Since that is not possible yet, in our opinion it would be important to:

  • make it possible for multiple users to create 3D-models simultaneously

In conclusion it needs to be said, that our product is currently still situated in the prototype stage, so before we would continue with further development, we would test our app to the full extent with real users to increase usability and create a greater user experience.