B4 Bachelor Recruiter & Employee Match


  • Ella Katajisto
  • Florian Holzmann
  • Joshua Meiser
  • Kim Ngan Le Dang
  • Mai Ly Nguyen
  • Mayya Bareeva
  • Stefania Imbuzan


Sowmya Guru

Here are the features we would have loved to implement if there was more time, of which many were highly requested in the conducted surveys:

More control over matches

  • More matching criterias and filters for the search:

To make sure our algorithm works great for personal values, we decided to postpone the implementation of search criterias such as ‘location’ and ‘salary’. We are eager to add them as soon as possible.

  • Mark as “already viewed”:

With the frequent additions of new offers and regularly changing matches, it’s essential to be able to differentiate between old and new offers. As soon as a new match is found, we want to notify the user.

Easier signup process

  • Keyword suggestions:

The implementation of keyword suggestions would save valuable time for both recruiters and candidates and lead to a better user experience.

  • Upload CV to automatically enter technical skills:

Since our goal is to focus on personal values, we want the user to spend as little effort as possible on creating yet another list of technical skills.


We were hoping to implement an easier way to communicate for the users than emails. With an in-app chat functionality, we could ensure that the entire job application process is happening within just our app.

Automated tests

We wanted to implement automated tests for our application with help of Cypress or Jest but research and development phases took longer than we expected.