B4 Bachelor Recruiter & Employee Match


  • Ella Katajisto
  • Florian Holzmann
  • Joshua Meiser
  • Kim Ngan Le Dang
  • Mai Ly Nguyen
  • Mayya Bareeva
  • Stefania Imbuzan


Sowmya Guru

User roles

  • In our application we have two roles: recruiter and job seeker. The recruiter can create job offers and job seekers can fill out their resume.

Simple sign up

  • The user fills out a questionnaire where they answer questions about the job or employee they are looking for. A job seeker answers questions about their own skills, expectations and values. A recruiter fills out their expectations on a job seeker and information about what their company offers.
  • Afterwards they can sign up with an email address and password.

Matches page

  • After logging in the user gets an overview of top matches with a compatibility score for each match.
  • The user can view more detailed information about the match by visiting their profile page.
A picture of the match function
User can view their matches

Personal profile

  • The profile page displays the user’s personal information and preferences for the match they are looking for.
  • The user can adjust any skill or preference to see different matches.

Job search

  • Job seekers can look for more jobs by entering the job title into a search bar. They can also use filters to get their desired results.
  • This way job seekers are also able to view jobs that they were not directly matched with.

Email notification

  • A job seeker has the option to express interest in a job offer by sending a message to a match. The recruiter will receive an email notification with a link to the job seeker’s profile. Likewise, recruiters can reach out to candidates they match with.
A picture of the email function
Email function