B3 Bachelor A Spirit Tale


  • Bartholomäus Berresheim
  • Juri Wiechmann
  • Marie Lencer
  • Nima Azimihashemi
  • Nuri Son
  • Pauline Röhr


Prof. Dr.-Ing. David Strippgen

Future Features

Due to the way our Game is built and envisioned, it was quite easy for us to come up with more potential features, than we could actually implement into the game, with the given time, budget and/or skill. Most of the ideas were about adding more variety to the features that were already implemented in the game, such as creating more maps:

For example:

  • having the player float on a galleon on top of an ocean, with the enemies closing in on ghost ships
  • a Sci-Fi city map with flying cars, robots etc.
  • an Atlantis map, that is to say an underwater map ancient Greek styled city

Another one was, to improve on or create new enemy types, such as:

  • a “Slashing” enemy, where the player has swords or axes in his hands, and the enemy has differently colored lines drawn on his body, which the player has to slash/ trace with his weapon(s).
  • an enemy type, which battling style/system is entirely distance based. In which the player has a bow/crossbow or other weapon type, which he has to use to hit one or multiple targets on the enemy, while the later keeps moving constantly.
  • to give the “Posing” enemies a speed mode, in which it displays a certain number of poses at a rather fast pace, after which the player has to replicate them from memory.
  • to add a lot more symbols for the player to draw on, to have more variety.

Apart from those, we had a couple of “crazier” ideas along the way of implementing a multiplayer mode, where the players are encircled by enemies coming from all sides. Or to make the game moddable, but that seemed like a whole new challenge we weren’t up to yet.

Hardware Upgrade

During our Development, there were times at which we had a shortage of VR headsets or had reached a “performance cap”, meaning we could not add more to or had to remove things from a game scene due to the hardware limitations of the Oculus Quest. So, switching to an increased amount of VR headsets with higher performance, such as the Oculus Quest 2 or the HTC Vive, would be good for the further development of our game.

What We Learned

During our time working on the project, we learned a lot. We were all able to improve our skills regarding Git, planning our time management, teamwork and game development. We were given a time management guideline by our supervisor, which helped us to keep track of our time spent on the project. This will surely help us in our future careers and projects. During the process of this project we also gained valuable experience regarding organisation and communication as a team. To everyone interested in working in game development in the future this was a useful first contact with the subject.