B2 Bachelor Feedback App


  • Timo Schmidt
  • Hanh Phan
  • David Albrecht
  • Ferdinand Faller
  • Osée Bulayumi
  • Yannick Haß


Sebastian Steiner & Oliver Weber

How did we start

The first step in our creation process was to identify the needs of Brandung and analyze the market. To our surprise we couldn’t find any product that was focusing on meetings the same way we do. We began thinking about our own experiences with meetings or even classes and what kind of tool could have been useful to evaluate them. We came up with a bunch of fancy features but narrowed it down to a core functionality at the end for our MVP:

  • Outlook Integration
  • Automation: Send an email to meeting attendees and the to the meeting owner without too much effort from their side
  • Feedback - via Icon and via Text
  • Evaluation for meeting owners
  • Private Feedback

For detailed information check out Features.


The challenge was to smoothly integrate our app into the already existing workflow of creating a meeting, which is done via the Outlook Team Calendar. The goal was to make the usage of our app as easy as possible for meeting owners as well as meeting attendees.

Development Process

Right from the start, we set up our weekly meetings on Wednesdays. There, we always shared the current state and set new tasks and goals for the next week. Outside of meetings we used Discord to communicate. As no one of our team has had previous experience with NextJS there was some reading to do alongside some exercises to get familiar with NextJS and React before we got to developing on the front-end side.

We used MongoDB as our database and connected it to our app via Express. To access the Outlook (e.g. Calendar, emails) data we had to register and connect our app to Azure.

Our supervisors were always there to guide and help us in case we were stuck.

Retrospective: Feedback for ourselves

We live by our credo: There is no improvement without feedback, right? Together with a SCRUM master from Brandung, we finished our project with a retrospective where we talked about the overall process, struggles along the way like communication or distribution of tasks but also about what we have learned from the project and how to improve. Something we would recommend to every team. If we could rate it with our own question from our feedback app:

  • Did we like the meeting: 🙂
  • Was the attendance of every team member needed: ✓
  • How good was the meeting prepared: very good
  • Do we want to add a comment: Important part of every development cycle.