B2 Bachelor Feedback App


  • Timo Schmidt
  • Hanh Phan
  • David Albrecht
  • Ferdinand Faller
  • Osée Bulayumi
  • Yannick Haß


Sebastian Steiner & Oliver Weber
Progress over time ⏱

Evaluation timeline

Meeting owners already get their respective evaluations for hosted meetings. But, wouldn’t it be great to see if the received feedback has led to an overall improvement of the meeting quality? We thought of implementing a view for meeting owners, where they can see their meeting performance over time. The idea was to show a graph or a timeline for a week, month or a specified period. This could give an indication if the feedback from all the meeting attendees has bore fruit or if there is still room for improvement. You can say it’s feedback about the feedback. Inception anyone?

Questionnaire Templates & Custom Questionnaire

Different meetings require different questions. Right now, the questionnaire has generic questions that fit every meeting. That is sufficient but we would want to go one step further.

Meeting owners could tailor the questionnaire to fit their meeting either by using predefined templates or customize the questionnaire as they see fit. We don’t want to limit meeting owners: If they want to ask the attendees what they think about their dad jokes that are part of every meeting or what they think about the lovely new font that they are using on their slides. There should be an option for this.


Shouldn’t there be an option to switch the language of the feedback questionnaire? Absolutely. In order to make the app accessible to everyone, we would love to offer the app in different languages either by changing it manually or by detecting the browser language.