M1 Master Aquasolace Gaming for Future II: Turning the simulation into a game


  • Eliot Hoff
  • Kenneth Englisch
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Adib Ghassani Waluya
  • Sebastian Puetz


David Müller

Initial Meetings

The three of us, who had worked on the simulation last semester, provided the new team members with a brief introduction to the codebase and detailed information about water scarcity, our algorithms, and other essential aspects.

Communication and Iteration

We held weekly Scrum meetings with product owners to iterate on and refine project details, working in sprints to ensure continuous progress and alignment with our goals.

Programming Workflow

We managed our Source Code using the Gitflow Workflow and GitLab. Features were implemented, tested and reviewed before integrating them into the devolpment and later the main branch.

Issue Assignment

Each team member chose a specific issue to address based on their individual skills and preferences.


We conducted regular game testing sessions with the product owners to gather feedback. This feedback was crucial for making necessary adjustments and improvements to the game.

System Architecture

System Architecture Diagram