M5 Master Quizzer AI


  • Dustin Reimann
  • Felix Huber
  • Michael Hurst


Christian Kiefer

💻 Development


The project was built upon an existing prototype, reducing the need for starting from scratch. Flutter, a Google-developed open-source framework for cross-platform app development, was chosen for the UI. It utilizes Dart, a programming language tightly integrated with Flutter. The Isar database is a robust Flutter package that seamlessly integrates databases. It offers fast performance, supports various data types, and facilitates efficient data filtering. Additionally, it optimizes offline usage and benefits from a strong community support, making it a reliable data management solution for Flutter applications.

🧠 AI & API


For the generation of quiz questions, we use the OpenAI API and utilize its powerful models such as GPT-3.5-Turbo and even GPT-4. In addition to the typical prompts used in ChatGPT, we have the flexibility to pass additional parameters to further refine the desired answers and improve the overall quality of the generated quiz questions.

✨ Miscellaneous


Since the development environment was already available, we followed these guidelines and used Andriod Studio, which is perfectly suited for the development of Flutter. Also BitBucket was already predefined. This was a small challenge, since the experience was limited to GitHub and GitLab. Trello was helpful in distributing tasks and making it easier to keep track of the project’s progress.

🗣️ Communication


On this project, we used Discord and Microsoft Teams to stay connected. Microsoft Teams facilitated weekly meetings and project management, while Discord kept us in constant communication.