M5 Master Quizzer AI


  • Dustin Reimann
  • Felix Huber
  • Michael Hurst


Christian Kiefer

🧊 bloc integration

We’re planning to expand our Flutter application by integrating Bloc for state management. Bloc is a state management design pattern and architecture used in Flutter to handle the flow of data and manage the state of an application. It is specifically designed to simplify and structure the way an app’s state is handled and updated. One of the main advantages of using Bloc for state management is that it helps to maintain a clear separation of concerns. It allows developers to decouple the user interface from the business logic, making the codebase more organized and easier to maintain. This pattern also improves testability, as the logic can be tested independently of the UI.

🤖 future models

As of now, the only currently available models for fine-tuning from OpenAI will be discontinued and no longer accessible in the near future. Instead, new models like GPT-3.5-Turbo or GPT-4 will be made available for fine-tuning in the upcoming months. With the introduction of these new models, there may be changes in the procedures, and Quizzer AI will need to be adjusted accordingly to accommodate these changes.

👋 support

We realized the main requirements of the project tender and contributed our own features and ideas in the process. Handing the project over to Mobile Learning Labs again means that we will act as consultants and supporters should questions and difficulties arise in the future.