M5 Master Quizzer AI


  • Dustin Reimann
  • Felix Huber
  • Michael Hurst


Christian Kiefer

Quizzer Ai Logo

🎯 Goal

The primary objective of our project was to enhance and expand a small prototype for generating quiz questions using OpenAI and make it ready for release. The aim was to provide clients with an easier way to create quiz questions. To achieve this, we utilized Fine-Tuning and Embeddings. Users can import their specific knowledge or create their custom models to improve the question format.

🤝 Our Partner

MLL Logo

Mobile Learning Labs develops Quizzer, an internationally award-winning system for playful mobile learning. The system offers a unique combination of effective learning methods and playful elements, all wrapped up in a quiz app. The app’s training system enables sustainable learning, and the quiz duels, live competitions, avatars, and awards ensure fun, motivation, and a sense of achievement. Quizzer is utilized by various clients, including Edeka, the Austrian Sparkassenakademie, EnBW, and the largest police school in Switzerland, across diverse fields.

👨‍💻 The Team

  • Dustin: Lead Developer
  • Felix: Developer & Fine Tuning
  • Michael: Developer, Embeddings and Project Management