M4 Master ShopGPT - AI Shopping Assistant


  • Ilham Muhammad
  • Thu Huong Vu
  • Kim Ngan Le Dang
  • Matthias Hamborg


Christopher Lennan, Jakob Panten

Product Search And Filter

The AI-powered product search and filter feature is the core functionality of shopGPT, designed to help users find and buy products through idealo.de. The user can specify preferences such as price range, brand, or other relevant criteria to narrow down the list of products displayed.

Product Filter

Suggestion Tags

Based on your message history, ShopGPT creates tailored and easy-to-understand questions, designed to help you make the most out of your AI shopping assistant.

Suggestion Tags

Product Advice

When you’re unsure about a purchase, simply ask for product advice. Our AI shopping assistant will provide you with expert recommendations, drawing insights from the official idealo page of the product’s category.

Shopping Advices

Image Search

Tired of typing long text? With ShopGPT, you can effortlessly find your desired product by simply uploading an image.

Search Product by image

Multilingual Support

ShopGPT can understand many different languages, making it easier for you to write down questions in your most comfortable language.

Multilingual conversation

Creativity Selection

With our Chatbot Response Creativity Selection, you can set the tone of your conversations with the AI shopping assistant.

Neutral Creativity

UI Themes

Have you ever been in a theme battle? No worry, customers preferences are important to us. ShopGPT lets you choose your preferred theme while using the app.

Dark / Light Theme