M3 Master Intu


  • Piranavi Satkunanathan
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Alexander Brjazgunov
  • Christopher Knapp
  • Finja-Malin Scheltens
  • Henry Ordelt


André Selmanagic

Intu's Tech Stack

Concept & Design

Miro was used for the initial brainstorming session, for concretizing the requirements and concept, and for the wireframes. It allowed the team to discuss and visualize ideas and record decisions.

Figma was used to create the UI component library, styleguide and final design of the user interface of intu.


React is a progressive JavaScript framework, leveraging its capabilities to build interactive user interfaces. With an incremental and adaptable architecture, along with a focus on declarative rendering and component composition, React facilitates efficient development and seamless maintenance.

By harnessing React, the team was able to create reusable UI components, accelerate development speed, and deliver modern and intuitive web applications, enhancing the overall user experience.

Material-UI is a preferred UI component library for web development. Built on Google’s Material Design principles, Material-UI provides a diverse selection of pre-designed, visually appealing, and responsive components. Its flexible theming system allows for seamless customization to match the brand’s aesthetics.

By leveraging Material-UI, the team can swiftly create captivating and consistent user interfaces, significantly saving development time as they no longer need to implement every component from scratch.

TypeScript is a powerful superset of JavaScript and introduces static typing. With TypeScript, errors can be caught early during development, leading to more reliable and maintainable code. The enhanced tooling support, including code autocompletion and refactoring suggestions, also contributes to increased productivity. TypeScript also ensures better collaboration among team members, improves code readability, and helps to confidently build and scale large, complex applications.

Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS is a preferred utility-first CSS framework for building stylish and responsive user interfaces. By providing a comprehensive set of low-level utilities, it makes it easy to create and customize consistent, visually appealing UI components, and enhancing the overall efficiency of the development process.

Vite is used as a modern build tool and development server that significantly enhances the web development workflow. Vite’s fast development server with instant hot module replacement enables rapid iteration and provides quick feedback during the development process. Its efficient build process, leveraging native ES modules for production, leads to optimized and high-performance web applications.

EditorJS is a block-styled editor that outputs clean JSON instead of HTML. It is used for the implementation of the Knowledge Base of intu.

Strapi is an open-source, Node.js-based headless content management system. It’s running as the backend of intu because of its flexibility and its seamless integration with databases.

Docker is an open-source platform used for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of applications within containerized environments. In this project, it is deployed on the Linux-Server to seamlessly run essential components such as the database, Strapi, and Nginx.

Codebase & Communication

GitLab served as the chosen platform for managing the project’s codebase, with both a repository for the backend and the frontend. The built-in Kanban feature helped to create tickets and keep track of todos

Slack served as the primary tool for communication, offering structured channels for discussions and video calls throughout the project’s duration.