M3 Master Intu


  • Piranavi Satkunanathan
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Alexander Brjazgunov
  • Christopher Knapp
  • Finja-Malin Scheltens
  • Henry Ordelt


André Selmanagic

During the creation of the MVP, certain features were excluded due to considerations of scope, time limitations, or their relative importance compared to the essential feature set. This section aims to highlight some of the features that may be added to intu in the future.

Index Cards

One of the features that has already been fully designed for future integration is “Index Cards”. Users will not only be able to transfer learning content into the notes in the knowledge base but also create index cards from it. This will allow them to assemble a personalized collection of index cards to help them on their learning journey. The Index Card feature will include a customizable recap mode, including randomized or ordered self-testing. While keeping track of correct and incorrect answers, learners can prove their knowledge.
Index cards feature in the knowledge base
Index cards feature in the knowledge base

Content Transfer

Users will have the ability to transfer content from learning objects in smaller pieces instead of having to move the whole page. This will give users the option to transfer specific items, such as a single image, portions of text, or certain steps of diagrams. This promotes a more individualized learning process, enabling learners to flexibly compile the content they need.

Enhancement of the Knowledge Base

In the future, the knowledge base will also allow users to create additional pages. This feature will allow them to expand their learning space to provide more room for personalized content. In addition, the knowledge base will allow users to arrange their pages in a hierarchical order to create their own knowledge base structure. To increase ease of use, a search function for content within their pages and a favorite feature will be added. These enhancements will allow users to quickly find specific content and mark their favorite or frequently used pages for easier access.

Practice and Test Mode

In the future, intu will encompass all phases of learning, ranging from understanding and practicing to revisiting and testing knowledge. In practice mode, users will have the opportunity to actively engage with exercises and then review the solutions along with supportive guidance. On the other hand, the test mode is designed to allow users to certify their knowledge. In this mode, results are only revealed after submission, and no hints or assistance are provided throughout the test. This mode aims to emulate a real-world exam setting, allowing users to accurately assess their understanding and readiness.


In the future, intu will provide even more support to learners during tasks. Hints can be accessed within an exercise and provide varying levels of assistance, from subtle nudges to more comprehensive explanations. The inclusion of hints encourages self-directed learning, empowering learners to solve problems on their own. It also reduces frustration, as hints help learners get on the right track and guide them towards their goals.

Expanded Learning Offers

Currently, intu represents only a single skill path along with a learning unit through which we aim to showcase our didactic concept. Our vision for the future of intu is to provide an extensive catalog of learning paths and topics from which learners can draw. This will allow for an even more personalized learning experience, tailored to the specific interests of each learner.