M3 Master Intu


  • Piranavi Satkunanathan
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Alexander Brjazgunov
  • Christopher Knapp
  • Finja-Malin Scheltens
  • Henry Ordelt


André Selmanagic

Interactive Learning Content

Intu incorporates interactive learning objects, providing users with the opportunity to actively engage with the content. This includes an animated, exploratory diagram that offers a guided view while also supporting full user control. In addition a practical implementation of the MVC Pattern enables students to better understand and explore relationships within the content. To ensure understanding and retention, Intu also features practical tasks for users to apply and test their newly acquired knowledge. In general Intu embodies a learning platform that purposefully uses interactive elements to maintain the learners attention.

Video: Showcase of Interactive Example

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Catering to different Learning Preferences

Intu caters to a variety of learning preferences by providing students with diverse options to engage with the content, and most importantly, allowing them to choose how they want to engage with the content. Students can explore diagrams on their own and discover additional information by hovering over individual elements. For those who prefer a more passive approach, an explanatory video style is available, with full control over the playback speed and pausing when needed. Traditional learners who learn best by reading benefit from a book-style presentation of the material. In addition, a text-to-speech feature is provided for auditory learners. By providing multiple ways of interacting with the content, Intu gives students the freedom to choose the depth of information they need, making their learning experience truly unique.
Variety of Learning Objects of Intu

Knowledge Base

During a learning process, students often piece together their own ideas and thoughts. That’s why Intu provides a built-in, central space, called the knowledge base, for creating and managing notes from different learning units

The user-centric design gives students the flexibility to personalize their notes. A key feature is the ability to import existing learning objects directly into the knowledge base. This integrated system allows for seamless transitions between knowledge base and learning units. The bidirectional design fosters sustainable learning, thereby creating a uniquely individualized learning journey.

Screenshot of the Knowledge Base

Skill Path & Topic Overview

The skill path overview displays its learning topics within, and allows users to easily understand the progress of their learning journey. Currently, the prototype focuses on the implementation of the “MVC-Pattern” within the topic of Visual Computing.

This page shows the individual progress for each learning unit as well as overall progress in the skill path, incorporating rudimentary gamification elements to boost learner motivation.

The topic overview provides users with a deeper insight into the upcoming content within the selected learning unit. Users have the flexibility to start from the beginning or jump right into specific learning objects based on their preferences and needs.

In the future, the skill path overview will let the user start practicing and testing directly from itself. This feature will provide users with a convenient way to actively engage with the content and assess their knowledge.

Screenshot of the Skill Path Overview