M3 Master Intu


  • Piranavi Satkunanathan
  • Martin Christian Solihin
  • Alexander Brjazgunov
  • Christopher Knapp
  • Finja-Malin Scheltens
  • Henry Ordelt


André Selmanagic

Mockup image for intu

Our Goal

Learning is not a one-size-fits-all process: it’s a dynamic and unique journey that varies immensely from person to person. Some students may thrive in an auditory learning environment, where they can passively listen to explanations. Others may find their learning potential amplified when they’re reading text or exploring concepts on their own and becoming fully engaged in the learning process. Still, most succeed best with a combination of different methods, blending various learning preferences to create an approach that’s uniquely their own. Recognizing these preferences not only results in a faster and better comprehension of the learning content but also keeps students motivated.That’s why intu’s primary goal is to cater to students’ diverse learning preferences.

Main Ideas

In order to actively engage students in their learning journey, intu focuses on interactive content that promotes learning by doing, making learning more engaging and improving understanding and retention. Students can choose to listen to the content, read it like a book, or actively explore interactive components.

Content must be carefully curated, focusing on didactical enhancement and a clear and comprehensive structure to improve the students’ learning experience. A well-designed curriculum, with a balance of theory and practical application, enables students to connect new knowledge with existing understanding, facilitates a deeper understanding of the subject matter, and fosters critical thinking.

Finally, intu acknowledges the importance of reflection and personal understanding in learning. That’s why it’s important to allow students to note their explanations and connecting thoughts without interrupting the learning process,stimulating a deeper understanding of the learning material.

The Team

Intus’ team structure was highly dynamic from the get-go: Initially, all team members participated in research, as the project lacked a definitive vision and concept. After defining the main goals and ideas, the team split into two groups: one team solidified the concept, allowing the others to start the development process simultaneously. Over time, the two groups seamlessly transitioned into a cohesive unit, with each member actively contributing to the frontend and backend development. This collective team effort brought the vision to life, with each member contributing their unique strengths and insights.