M2 Master Mentist


  • Yasine Deghaies
  • Mai Nguyen
  • Brandon Mandzik
  • Nilofar Ahmadi


David Koschnick


  • Research

The research process was crucial for the project due to its focus on the sensitive topic of mental illnesses. Extensive research was required for mental illnesses in general, looking into various psychological models and medical literature to make important decisions about choosing appropriate features for a fitting target group. Therefore a thorough examination of the targeted users were also overly crucial including a careful analysis of the mental illness - depression. Numerous scientific questionnaires were analyzed, an experts interview was held and evaluated, use cases and personas were created to design a satisfying and proper concept for Mentist. Alongside technical research was crucially needed to complete the applications design. All members were machine learning novices learning data science and chatbot functionalities from scratch.

  • Concept

After the thorough research we began with a comprehensive target group analysis to ensure that our solution effectively addresses the needs of those seeking support. We carefully considered and decided to focus on depression, recognizing its prevalence and the critical need for accessible mental health support in this area instead of creating a too generalized application which cannot take care of all important pain points from all mental illnesses. The central idea behind our application is to unite several depression questionnaires into one user-friendly platform. We wanted to simplify the process of answering questions and remove any barriers that could deter users from seeking help. Individuals who already struggle should not feel additionally oppressive by having to undergo a tedious survey. Thus we aimed to develop a chatbot that users can trust and perceive as a gentle companion throughout their mental health journey. Our chatbot will work discreetly in the background, monitoring users’ responses and tracking their emotional well-being over time. This approach allows users to interact with the chatbot more naturally and without feeling any additional pressure. The chatbot’s unobtrusive presence ensures that individuals receive consistent and supportive care without undue intrusion.