B6 Bachelor Security Audit Bot


  • Kjell Liebher
  • Minh Vo
  • Mirijam Trippel


David Koschnick & Christoph Bork


For the future, we plan to make the SecurityAuditBot even more powerful by enabling the connection of all relevant databases. This will allow the bot to access a broader database and perform more comprehensive checks on existing entries in the databases.

Furthermore, we will continuously implement more services to extend the SecurityAuditBot’s functionality and cover more security aspects. This includes implementing a configuration check for services, e.g. to identify and point out default passwords.

We plan to optimise the project by refactoring and applying design patterns to make the code cleaner and more efficient. This will make our SecurityAuditBot even more stable and easier to extend.

Moreover, comprehensive documentation is important to us. It will cover the creation of the project itself as well as the setup and use of the SecurityAuditBot. This will provide developers and users with clear and understandable instructions that will help them make the best use of the SecurityAuditBot.

Another exciting step is to extend the functionality of the SecurityAuditBot by integrating a plugin to detect and audit websites. This will make the SecurityAuditBot even more powerful and will also allow it to identify potential security problems on websites and make recommendations.

Overall, our goal is to develop the SecurityAuditBot into a comprehensive and user-friendly cybersecurity assessment tool that helps businesses and users make their IT infrastructure more secure and resilient against threats. We are excited about the upcoming developments and look forward to further strengthening the security of our customers!