B6 Bachelor Security Audit Bot


  • Kjell Liebher
  • Minh Vo
  • Mirijam Trippel


David Koschnick & Christoph Bork


A chatbot, the heart of our software, should offer the user a pleasant and intuitive solution to deal with the cyber security of his system, using natural language only. The artificial intelligence classifies the user input and reacts accordingly. It also recognizes previous results and can base new audits on them. An active scan can always be monitored by the user through logs. Results can be viewed permanently at any time.


It is important to know which open access points your system has. The first feature of our software is to ensure the user exactly that. By means of a simple chat message, the user can find out the open access points of network addresses whose existence was perhaps unknown.

Service Identifier

Since it is not enough to just know about the existence of open access points of the system, the second feature of our application includes the identification of the services behind them along with their version. In this way, the user can easily determine which applications running on a system are visible and accessible from the outside world.