B5 Bachelor Spellweaver- Words of Power


  • Esther Gülpen Garray
  • Felix Anders
  • Adrian Joos
  • Jana Meißner
  • Luca Hobiger


Tamara Voigt, Jonas Ehrhardt


API’s - Research and Testing

Since the core task of our project was to investigate STT in VR, we invested a lot of time in selecting API’s. All good things come in threes, and thus also the number of our selected apis. However, the road to the three finalists was not so short, as there is a wide range of APIs and we also had to run several tests, understand the logic and also ensure their functionality on Unity. Our three finalsts consist of a paid version, an open source and one with local speech recognition models.

Game Features - Brainstorming and Defining

In order to define the game features, we first collected ideas, ignoring time and costs. With this collection of ideas, we got a good overview of potential possibilities for our game. By prioritizing the features we came up with the framework for our MVP.

game features unfiltered
game features filtered

Game Development - Implementation and Bugfixing

For the game to serve as a framework for adding more API’s in the future, it was important for us to find a suitable design pattern. The final form of the pattern then resulted from the previously designed schematic examples. When the integration of the APIs was ensured, we could focus on the game elements, animations and design.

understanding adapter pattern