B4 Bachelor Visual Agenda


  • Anna Lindner
  • Abdullah Tilki
  • Samantha Peart


Alexander Pietsch - diva-e

Tech Stack


For the purpose of communicating with each other we used

  • Zoom
  • Teams
  • and WhatsApp.

Creative Parts

Drafting our ideas and creating anything related to the design we used

  • Figma
  • Penpot


Our Frontend was made with

  • Ionic
  • React
  • Capacitor


Our backend was crafted using

  • Node.js
  • Socket.io


Looking ahead, we envision several exciting ideas to enhance Visual Agenda, maximizing its potential and revolutionizing the meeting experience:

Data Analytics and Meeting Insights:

Implementing data analytics within Visual Agenda will provide valuable meeting insights. Analyzing individual participation metrics, topic efficiency, and overall meeting productivity will allow to identify strengths, areas for improvement, and fine-tune collaborative efforts for peak performance.

Personal Calendar Reminders:

Seamlessly integrate Visual Agenda with users’ personal calendars, creating automatic reminders for upcoming meetings, ensuring that no essential discussion is missed.

Cross-Device Accessibility:

Users can access their meeting plans and discussions seamlessly from any device. A unified experience across platforms will enable to stay connected, collaborate on-the-go, and drive productivity from anywhere.