B4 Bachelor Visual Agenda


  • Anna Lindner
  • Abdullah Tilki
  • Samantha Peart


Alexander Pietsch - diva-e


  • Agenda Planning

Our app lets you effortlessly create well-structured agendas within fixed timeframes. You can organize topics, set time limits, and ensure that meetings stay on track.

  • Timekeeping

With our intuitive timekeeping feature, you’ll receive real-time alerts as you approach each agenda item’s time limit. This ensures to keep everyone focused and make every minute count.

  • Clear Visual Agenda Overview

Our app provides a convenient visual representation of your entire meeting agenda, making it easy for you and your participants to stay oriented and informed about upcoming topics.

  • Effortless Commenting

You can share your thoughts and feedback on action items, decisions, and meeting topics with ease through comments. Clarify or suggest improvements effortlessly.