M6 Master Allmende 2


  • Cong Nguyen-Dinh
  • Vu Minh Le
  • Stefan Böhnert
  • Jonas Fischer
  • Julian Gaibler
  • Ilham Muhammad


David Müller


Since our goal was clear from the start, we started development early. We devided into 3 teams (Frontend, Backend, Machine Learning) and continued in our teams for the first weeks.

We all came together every Wednesday to discuss our progress and how to continue. We created a kanban board on github to have an overview over pending tasks and our progress in general. We used our own Discord server for further communication.

At the end we worked as one team and combined each component to create one coherent Web Application. We used the last days to further improve the Software and for bug fixing which was followed by thorough testing of the end product.

Kanban Board on Github
Kanban Board on Github