M6 Master Allmende 2


  • Cong Nguyen-Dinh
  • Vu Minh Le
  • Stefan Böhnert
  • Jonas Fischer
  • Julian Gaibler
  • Ilham Muhammad


David Müller

Chat Implementation

Allmende is a social media platform for nature enthusiast. A missing but a mandatory function for a social media app is the ability to chat with other nature enthusiast. Having this feature enables the user the opportunity to communicate in real-time and to connect with others.

Edit User Profil

For a social media platform it is very important to create a user profil. It would be good to be able to change the profil image. Therefore it could be possible to upload an image or to pick one of some predefined anonym pictures.

Creating Routes from User Sighting

If a user saw a lot of animals on a trip (post) other users mabye want to see these animals too. There could be a function to generate a route where all sightings location of a post are included.

Higher Accuracy Model and more Species

The main strength of this application lies in its object recognition capability. The models can be further improved and also include more Species, so that they can predict most of the flora and fauna in Germany with high accuracy to avoid spreading misleading information.